A special immunization campaign was held in Tinsukia

Tinsukia’s Special Immunization Drive (SID) kicked off on Friday and will run through January 25. With a focus on the designated high priority areas, the primary goal of the Special Immunization Drive is to guarantee that all children in the state receive all scheduled vaccinations in accordance with the Universal Immunization Program and PW with Td. There are 151 SID sessions scheduled around the district, with 118 sub-centers identified. There are 1230 children in total who are targeted, spanning 4 health blocks in the Tinsukia district and ranging in age from 0 to 5. As determined by the Head Count Survey, pregnant women who have not had the Td vaccination and children who have not received all antigens up to age five would be the targeted beneficiaries during the SID.

All of the Tinsukia district’s blocks will host this special drive, which will concentrate heavily on underutilized sub-centers, sub-centers that haven’t held RI in the previous three months, and underperforming SCs (SCs with high dropout rates and children who are left out) through extra sessions. However, under regular immunization sessions, community mobilization efforts and updated micro-plans would cover the children in the remaining areas who are left out and drop out. Medical college faculty and development partners would provide enhanced monitoring and supporting supervision during the entire campaign.

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