Angel One Ltd, a leading fintech company, has raised an alarm about the rise of fraudulent social media groups impersonating its brand. The company revealed that several unauthorized groups, operating on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, are using its name and logo, as well as the images of its senior executives, to deceive the public. These groups are engaging in illegal activities such as providing unregistered securities advice and making false claims about returns.
“We urge investors to be cautious and verify the authenticity of any communication claiming to be from us. Unauthorized investment advice and promises of guaranteed returns are strictly prohibited,” said a company spokesperson. Angel One emphasized that it does not engage in such practices and clarified that all legitimate transactions should be conducted through its official platforms only.
In Guwahati, investors in the region are advised to exercise caution as such scams are gaining traction across various parts of India. Guwahati investors must be particularly vigilant, ensuring they rely on authorized sources for any financial dealings and avoid unofficial social media groups or apps. Angel One also encourages investors to report suspicious activities through the Cybercrime portal and law enforcement agencies to safeguard their financial security.