The Chief Minister’s Special Vigilance Cell has arrested Indreswar Kalita, Secretary of the Assam Excise Department, in connection with a corruption probe. The arrest follows raids conducted at his residence in Guwahati, in response to a complaint alleging the possession of disproportionate assets.
The raid was carried out at Kalita’s flat in Nirvana Apartment, located in the Sundarpur area. According to sources, the senior bureaucrat is accused of accumulating wealth far beyond his known sources of income. Vigilance officials reportedly found multiple assets, including land holdings in prime areas such as Beltola and Bhetapara, during their search.
The operation was launched following complaint number 2/24, which was filed with the CM’s Vigilance Cell. Investigators are now focusing on Kalita’s financial dealings and the unexplained assets linked to him.After his arrest, Kalita was subjected to a medical examination and subsequently detained at Panbazar police station. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge in the coming days.