Fourth round of India-Bangladesh consular talks hosted in New Delhi

India and Bangladesh convened their fourth round of consular talks in New Delhi on Wednesday. The Indian delegation, spearheaded by Joint Secretary (CPV) Dr. Aman Puri, engaged in discussions with their Bangladeshi counterparts, led by Director General (South Asia) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rokebul Haque.

A statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs shed light on the comprehensive dialogue, which covered a spectrum of crucial issues including consular matters, visa regulations, repatriation procedures, Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT), and extradition protocols. Both nations affirmed their commitment to fortify the Revised Travel Arrangement (RTA), aimed at facilitating smoother movement of citizens between the two countries.

Established in 2017, the India-Bangladesh Consular Dialogue Mechanism serves as a pivotal platform for fostering people-to-people contact, fostering a regular exchange on consular, visa, and mutual legal assistance cooperation matters.

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